Categories : In Focus
Mr. Dilip Khatri, the Chairman of the Courts and Vision Investments Limited, stated that the Directors and staff are deeply saddened by the devastation caused by the recent Tropical Cyclone Yasa. He noted that the devastation was largely concentrated on the remote and island communities, who are amongst the most vulnerable in our society. He further noted that these communities have very little resources and least able to recover from such devastation relying solely on their own meagre resources.
With its trading roots dating back over hundred years in Fiji, Courts is deeply embedded in the communities it serves in all parts of the country. Therefore, we believe it is our moral responsibility to meaningfully respond and assist these communities in times of deep despair and distress. Accordingly, Courts is making a contribution of $250,000 to the Prime Minister’s Cyclone Yasa Relief and Rehabilitation Fund, to assist the Government in its efforts in rehabilitating and reconstructing the damages caused by the cyclone. Courts have requested that these funds be used in the reconstruction of houses and schools in the affected areas.