About Us

About the Company

Our Story

Vision Investments Limited (VIL) is a publicly listed company since February 2016 and is amongst one of the largest companies listed on the South Pacific Stock Exchange (SPX) with a market capitalisation of approximately $420 million. VIL has a well-diversified business operations including Retail, Automotive, Industrial, Renewables, Manufacturing and Finance. The company has a proven track record of exceptional performance and sustainable growth.
Key institutional shareholders in VIL include Fiji National Provident Fund, International Finance Corporation, BSP Life (Fiji) Limited, Fijian Holdings Unit Trust, Unit Trust of Fiji and Na Hina Limited. Founder shareholders of VIL with significant shareholding in the Company comprise of Jacks of Fiji Group, RC Manubhai Group, Challenge Engineering Group and Candle Investments Group.
VIL Group consists of Courts, Sportsworld, Cyber City, Carpets International, Vision Commercial Division, Vision Motors, Vision Energy Solutions, Mahogany Industries (Fiji), Vision Finance and Vision Homecentres in PNG. 

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In 2021, the Group incorporated a fully owned subsidiary Vision FinTech Services Pte Limited (Vision FinTech) which provides MoneyGram money transfer, foreign currency exchange and bill pay services to the public. Vision Energy Solutions (VES), a growing business in the Group specialises in providing turnkey renewable energy solutions. VES has contributed towards the environmental sustainability initiatives through the various renewable energy projects around the country.

In 2020 the Company celebrated its 100th year anniversary of trading in Fiji and the Pacific. The Company began its trading journey with the incorporation of Burns Philip in Fiji in 1920, a large conglomerate at the time. In 2004 Burns Philip was acquired by Courts PLC, a company incorporated in the UK, which was a specialist retailer of electrical and home furnishing goods and operating in countries in the Caribbean, South East Asia, and the far East Pacific. In 2006 the Company was acquired by the Vision Group comprising of four foundation shareholders namely – Jacks of Fiji, RC Manubhai, Challenge Engineering and Candle Investments. In 2016 the Company changed its name to Vision Investments Limited and listed on the SPX.

The Company was the first Company in Fiji to introduce easy payment consumer finance schemes, which enabled countless number of families in Fiji to acquire durable home goods and chattels for their homes resulting in improved lifestyles and living standards. This entrenched the Company as a trusted household name in Fiji.

Our Awards

Company of the Year 2018

Vision Investment Limited

Grand Master Winner 2017

Vision Awards 2017

SPX Annual Award 2019

South Pacific Stock Exchange

Our Vision, Mission & Values

We Provide Outstanding Products And Quality Service To Deliver The Best Value To Our Customers.


Delighting Our Customers.

Customer Focus
We Delight Our Customers To Build Life Long, Loyal And Rewarding Relationships.

Challenger Spirit
We Create A Great Work Place, Where Our People Are Inspired To Innovate And Become The Best They Can Be.

Personal Excellence
We Take Ownership To Deliver On Our Commitments.

Team Work
We Work Together To Achieve Our Common Goals Whilst Valuing Individual Thought.

We Value Honesty And Integrity And Ensure Ethical Standards Guide Us In Our Decision Making.

Vision: In Focus
January 28, 2021

Courts Contribution to Yasa Relief

Mr. Dilip Khatri, the Chairman of the Courts and Vision Investments Limited, stated that the Directors and staff are deeply

August 8, 2018

Vision investments growing

The group of companies under Vision Investments Limited showed steady growth with revenues increasing 6 per cent to $180.4million and

Our Portfolio