Declaration of the Second Interim Dividend for the Year Ended 31st March 2016

On 17th June 2016 the Directors of the Company declared a second interim dividend of $ .0584 cents per Ordinary Share amounting to $6,060,134.42, for the Financial Year ended 31st March 2016. .

Offering of Insurance Services in Collaboration with the New India Assurance

Vision Investments Limited and international insurance giant – The New India Assurance, announced their collaboration to offer select insurance services through the Courts Branch outlets spread throughout the Country. .

Appointment of Director

Visions Investments Limited is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Suliano Ramanu as a Director of the Company as per the Resolution of the Directors passed. .

Share Sale and Purchase Transactions by Founder Shareholders through special crossings to maintain shareholding proportion

The following Founder Shareholders prior to Listing of the Company on the South Pacific Stock Exchange, held shares in the company amongst themselves in the following proportion: .

Fire at Courts Navua Branch

The Company announces that the Courts Navua Branch was engulfed by a fire which started late evening on Saturday the 16th of April 2016. .

Financial statements

In accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors, the directors herewith submit the statement of financial position of the Company as at 31 March 2016, and the related statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, changes

Vision Contributes $250,000 to Prime Minister’s Cyclone Relief Fund

At the occasion of the Listing of Vision Investments Limited on the South Pacific Stock Exchange held on Monday 29th February, the Chairman of Vision Investments – Mr. Dilip Khatri announced a donation of $250,000 towards the Cyclone Winston relief

Listing on the South Pacific Stock Exchange

Vision Investments Limited a premier business in the Country, is pleased to announce that it carried out a Compliance Listing of its Ordinary Shares on the South Pacific Stock Exchange (SPSE), on 29th February 2016. .

Change of Directors

Vision Investments Limited is pleased to announce the appointment of the following as Independent Directors of the Company, in compliance with the Board Composition Rules specified in the South Pacific Stock Pacific Exchange Listing Rules and the Company’s Corporate Governance